Flu Vaccinations


Woodside Medical Practice offers free annual flu vaccinations to patients in eligible and at-risk groups. Contact the practice around September each year for more information and to book an appointment. 


Sept 2024 Update: 

It is important during the winter months to get your vaccinations. This year again we will  be holding flu and covid booster vaccinations for those who are eligible. Right now we are in the process of preparing for the clinics.

If you are eligible for a flu vaccination, we will be in touch with you via text, call or letter.

Housebound patients will be contacted and a day will be organised for one of our nurses to come out to give the flu vaccine.

Our flu clinics open on the 3rd October and we have begun contacting patients to book in for their vaccinations. 

If you are interested and eligible for the flu vaccine, you will receive correspondence from us in due course.

If you are eligible, but not interested in having the vaccine, please let us know so we can remove you from the list.

With regards to the covid vaccines, these will be given within the same appointment to anyone who is eligible and is interested in recieving the autumn booster. 


Child Immunisations

The practice operates according to the UK Immunisation Schedule. Please ensure you attend any scheduled appointments to keep your child's immunisations up-to-date. For more information on the UK Immunisation Schedule, please go to www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/.


One of our administration team is responsible for booking child immunisations, and will contact you with an appointment time and date when your child is due for their vaccinations. Therefore, you can take the time to relax and enjoy your time with your new bundle of joy, with one less thing on your mind to worry about. 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination


Patients who turn 75, those aged 75 to 79, and pregnant women will be eligible for a free vaccine to protect them from respiratory syncytial virus RSV). 

RSV is an infectious disease that affects the airways and lungs. It often causes symptoms similar to a cold, including: 

  • Cough 
  • Sore throat 
  • Sneezing 
  • A runny or blocked nose 

Some people, particularly in higher-risk groups, may require hospital admission. 


A single dose of the vaccine will help boost protection as you reach an age group or condition at higher risk of serious RSV infection. Unlike the flu vaccine, the RSV vaccine does not need to be taken every year. 


If you are eligible for the vaccination you will be contacted via text, call or letter to book yourself in to one of our RSV clinics.


If you are expecting, you will eligible for the vaccination from 28 weeks of pregnancy, this may be offered to you via your midwife or you can also book into one of our RSV clinics.